
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Storycast Holiday Rebroadcast 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Enjoy this rebroadcast of TWO of our favorite holiday episodes released in the show’s run between 2015-2018…
REBROADCAST: "Between the Lines"
In a desolate wasteland where the muck & wet begged for the Christmas wish of a hard frost, isolation in close quarters led to an improbable ceasefire, a handshake of tobacco, and voices lifted in song. Discover exactly what the Christmas Truce of 1914 means for our sense of common humanity…
Circus Marcus "La Tapa Improvisada"
David Szesztay "Backward"
Lee Rosovere "Christmas Eve At Midnight"
David Szesztay "Above Us"
Circus Marcus "La Brise"
Maya Solovy "Silent Night"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
REBROADCAST: "Kings, Drinks, & Lovers"
Tucked away within the traditional caroles of the season, we find unique people whose tales tell of selfless giving, nomadic boozing, and scandalous necking in the woods. Uncover the real stories behind these holiday classics…
Lee Rosovere "A Ukulele for Christmas"
York Minister Choir "Good King Wenceslas"
Claire College SIngers "Here We Come A-Wassailing" & "Jingle Bells"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva

Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Rebroadcast: "Kings, Drinks, & Lovers"
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Our favorite holiday episode, originally released December 23, 2017:
"Kings, Drinks, & Lovers"
Tucked away within the traditional caroles of the season, we find unique people whose tales tell of selfless giving, nomadic boozing, and scandalous necking in the woods. Uncover the real stories behind these holiday classics…
Lee Rosovere "A Ukulele for Christmas"
York Minister Choir "Good King Wenceslas"
Claire College SIngers "Here We Come A-Wassailing" & "Jingle Bells"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Chapter 8: Parts Unknown
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Take a deep dive into our bodies’ ability to adapt and change... to both antiquate and grow anew. A new discovery shows firsthand the incredible adaptability of life to fiercely fight for survival.
Poddington Bear "Lens Flare"
Blue Dot Sessions "Toothless Slope"
Victor Rathnayake "Hopalu Wana Petha"
Poddington Bear "Winter Walk"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via:
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at:

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Chapter 7: Fool Me Twice
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
The origin of a hoax… Why do we go to such elaborate lengths to trick each other when normally such a thing would be considered rude, deceitful, or even criminal? The anatomy of the many pranks of March 32nd...
David Hilowitz "Passe Compose"
Dee Yan-Key "World Circus"
David Hilowitz "Ephemera"
Borrtex "Motion"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: http://www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
Check out "Doubting Thomas" from Cliff Hansen:
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at:

Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Chapter 6: HeLa, Twenty Tons
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
What if something inside of you right now was in and of itself immortal? If all of those interlocking chains and dominos in your life created a butterfly effect that evolved into something entirely beautiful... Something immortal. Something that could transform the face of modern medicine… Something hidden from your family for thirty years… An origin story unknown by most people today. So it was for Henrietta Lacks.
SCORE - Scott Holmes
"Oscar's Missing"
"Something in the Distance"
"Days Gone By"
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Chapter 5: Time Is on Your Side
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Who are YOU exactly? What truly defines your being and how does your body really fit in? Discover how your mind tricks you, your heart betrays you, and exactly how your lens never changes from birth.
Kai Engel "Meekness"
Daniel Birch "Set Adrift"
Kai Engel " Holiday"
Sergey Cheremisinov "True Love"
Aitua "Elements"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Research -
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories

Saturday Dec 23, 2017
Chapter 4: Kings, Drinks, & Lovers
Saturday Dec 23, 2017
Saturday Dec 23, 2017
Tucked away within the traditional caroles of the season, we find unique people whose tales tell of selfless giving, nomadic boozing, and scandalous necking in the woods. Uncover the real stories behind these holiday classics…
Lee Rosovere "A Ukulele for Christmas"
York Minister Choir "Good King Wenceslas"
Claire College SIngers "Here We Come A-Wassailing" & "Jingle Bells"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Chapter 3: Between the Lines
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
In a desolate wasteland where the muck & wet begged for the Christmas wish of a hard frost, isolation in close quarters led to an improbable ceasefire, a handshake of tobacco, and voices lifted in song. Discover exactly what the Christmas Truce of 1914 means for our sense of common humanity…
Circus Marcus "La Tapa Improvisada"
David Szesztay "Backward"
Lee Rosovere "Christmas Eve At Midnight"
David Szesztay "Above Us"
Circus Marcus "La Brise"
Maya Solovy "Silent Night"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History "Blueprint for Armageddon I-V" (2014)
Stanley Weintraub's "Silent Night: The Remarkable Christmas Truce 1914" (2015)
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories

Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Chapter 2: Anytown, U.S.A.
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
What does a downtown ambush, a hunted tribe, and a courtroom's hysteria all have in common? They each just might take place in Anytown, U.S.A. Discover what both the property of inertia and a broken clock always have in common.
Blue Dot Sessions - "4 Point Path"
Barryvan - "Perdue No. 4"
Oliver Barrett - "Solo Cello (Live at Cafe OTO)"
Circus Marcus – "Introduction"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories

Saturday Sep 30, 2017
Chapter 1: The Missing Pieces
Saturday Sep 30, 2017
Saturday Sep 30, 2017
A missing journalist, an oddball inventor, and a mystery at sea. The story rarely is ever in the facts… it's in the missing pieces. Discover what's hiding at the crossroads of proximity and memory.
Circus Marcus – "Intro Outro" |
Inaequalis – "Muaddib" |
Circus Marcus – "Cadiquo tu No" |
Kai Engel – "Moonlight Reprise"
All music is provided royalty-free in the public domain via: www.freemusicarchive.org
Remembering Kim Wall:
Written & produced by: @russellsilva
This episode is brought to you by Audible. Support The Storycast and get a 30-day trial with your first audiobook free at: www.audibletrial.com/stories